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LB Design, “Art for What Matters!”

I’m hoping that my story is one of inspiration. I’m hoping that one who reads this truly understands how humbling, and soul searching this process has been to me. I’m grateful for all love, and support I’ve received, and only hope that through my story, you too can face battles, and see the light at the end of the tunnel. LB Design has been a work in progress for many years. In fact, more years than I even knew.


You see, it actually dates back to May 2006 when I lost my dad, and found out I have MS. All of which left me with, what am I to do with my life? Well, life carried on. I met my husband, and my 2 beautiful step daughters, and we raised them, along with my 2 children. We have almost made it through the teen years…somehow! But during this time something happened, I realized I could paint. During the day when the kids were gone, and my husband was at work, I started to paint. I always knew I could draw, but the painting didn’t come until later! The more I painted the better I got, and the more it kept my brain energized, thus being almost therapeutic. It gave me a sense of self worth, and accomplishment. So paint I did!

Then far be it from me to know, I was diagnosed with my 2nd autoimmune disease. I learned I have Narcolepsy. If you ever have a bored minute, look it up! No, I don’t just “fall asleep”, with no notice. However, I now take medication, which allows me to wake up feeling great, but with the notion that my brain can get tired, so I must live a fairly structured life. That may sound daunting, but actually it has put my life into a different mode. One that I have adapted to and in most ways I tend to enjoy. I enjoy it because of the attention I’ve been able to give to my artwork. When I feel good I paint. I have good days, and not so good days, but when I paint it helps me. Which this, then brings me to today!


Today, I am introducing you to LB Design! Together with my friends and family, I will be the sole proprietor of LB Design. Together, with my now structured lifestyle, a little help from a program, my background in interior decorating, and my God-given artistic talent, have allowed me to share my gift with you. Read on to find out what LB Design is all about!



Lori Bischoff

Owner, Artist, Interior Decorator


On Facebook @artforwhatmatters

Owner, Artist, Interior Decorator

Lori Bischoff

Not finding a look you're hoping for? Call me to see the large selection of paintings I've completed!

Celebrate your life event with LB Design today, Call now to start designing your art piece!

N50405 Cty Rd. O

Osseo, WI 54758

On Facebook: @artforwhatmatters

Tel: 1-715-456-9233



LB Design

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